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Blog Tour

The Blog Tour wrapped up this week and some guest posts were out there, as well as a few positive reviews. One site we had planned for a review broke just before the scheduled date (and I commented out the link as soon as I heard) and one other blogger just never published anything.

I updated the links on the Launch Day post, August 18.

So it goes. Still there was some activity and the book is selling in ebook and print. There is still one giveaway active on Goodreads and that closes on September 18. We’ll send two lucky folks signed paperbacks of Sudden Mission.

Goodreads Giveaway

So, make sure you are entered.


For new and unknown writers, attention for their work from readers and other writers (like reviews and recommendations) is critical. Reviews help other readers decide if a particular book is interesting or right for them. Amazon five-star reviews are often suspect, especially early in the release cycle. Just so you know, the two early reviews of Sudden Mission were not paid for or begged for. The reviewers are friends and professionals, but would not give me more credit than is due.

You can find them here:

(link no longer functional)

Honest reviews and feedback are best. What matters is what is important to the reader. If there is something you don’t like about the book, you should say something. Another reader may like what you don’t, so a two- or three-star review may bring someone to the work who might otherwise have passed on it.

I want to thank those of you who did get the book and are reading it. Any feedback you can give will be much appreciated.

Keep writing.