Reviews revisited
Sudden Mission is a novel for middle-grade/young adult readers. This is a problem when trying to get promotional blog tours and reviews. It isn’t a cute story with a lot of illustrations and deals with some serious topics for young people.
It’s also a Christian-themed novel. This can stick in the craw of some reviewers and writer/reader bloggers. It also limits the bookstore shelves Sudden Mission might get on, or library collections that may include it.
The other challenge for Sudden Mission is getting reviews. Almost all the reviews so far are not from the book’s primary demographic (middle-grade to young adult). While it’s nice to get kudos from my peers (adults), it would be fantastic to get feedback from young people.
I do have some feedback on the back channel from young people who read Sudden Mission and loved it. But it isn’t public feedback. It turns out that getting a twelve- or fourteen-year-old to post a review on Amazon or YouTube, is like getting him or her to volunteer for a dental appointment.
Granted, a reader in the primary demographic probably doesn’t have an Amazon, Nook, or iBook account or a YouTube channel. However a parent can take this opportunity to help. If your young person read Sudden Mission, ask them how they liked it. Have them give you a couple of favorite things they liked about the book, or something they didn’t like. Write up a two or three sentence statement and post it for them, with their cooperation. Don’t force it. Make it an educational opportunity.
If it’s more convenient, post your young person’s review in the comments section here.
While back channel feedback is welcome, I usually get it second or third hand and get few details about what he or she liked or disliked. And I don’t get an opportunity to discuss the thoughts or criticisms. I’m pretty thick-skinned, so I can take criticism. One adult reviewer didn’t like the ending. I can see that and I respect that person’s opinion. That was also an adult’s view of things.
I would love a twelve- or fourteen-year-old’s thoughts on Sudden Mission. If you, your child, or grandchild read the book, please take a few minutes to post a rating or review. It’s appreciated more than you know.
Keep writing.