I made some good progress on the current novel, but National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is coming Nov. 1. There are some other ideas floating around in my head and there are some support meetings this month in the Spokane area to help with getting ready and planning. NaNoWriMo makes November an intense and productive writing month and I’m very interested in participating again.
So, I’m trying to decide if I want to start a new project within the confines of NaNoWriMo, or just be a cheerleader for others while I continue on my current project. If I start a new project, I’ll have to put the current project aside for the duration. That really shouldn’t be a problem.
I hope.
Thing is, I had so much fun writing that first project (Sudden Mission) in NaNoWriMo last year that I’d like to do it again. Can I repeat the magic? Saturday is a Character Development workshop. I think I’ll attend and see where things go from here.
Keep writing.