It’s Launch Day
It’s Launch Day for Nasty Leftovers today! As I write this post, my publisher is getting the book up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple iBook. The ebook is available, but print copies may be a few days out, yet.
You should see some reviews right away. We sent advanced review copies (ARCs) out to some reviewers ahead of the launch and most of those should be coming in over the next few days. One of my reviewers is caught in the Louisiana floods right now, so we may not get her review right away. The first review is already up on Amazon.
Getting the book ready for publishing isn’t a simple task. For just the ebook, getting the format and cover put together isn’t too difficult. A print version involves getting the format done first, then getting the cover done with the correct size spine for the page count, and the images set with the correct color settings. I’m just glad I have Vox Dei Publishing and Booktrope Editions to handle those tasks and get the book launched.
Getting the book written, edited, rewritten, edited again, revised, proofread, corrected and finally uploaded is enough work to keep me busy. My team at Vox Dei has been a real blessing and they all worked hard to make Nasty Leftovers a strong, powerful story, with a drop-dead gorgeous cover. I have to thank Scott Deyett for this cover (and link to his business).
Nasty Leftovers is available at:
Paperback or ebook on Amazon: Nasty Leftovers
Barnes & Noble Paperback or Nook ebook: Nasty Leftovers
Apple iBook: Nasty Leftovers
(Note: Links have aged. See the Books page.)
Thank you for your patience and support. This has been a wonderful journey. Now to start on the third installment.
Keep writing.
So proud of your hard work. I’m beyond happy for you. I love you, hubby!!