Old, familiar country roads with the family names of friends from long ago.
Rivers, fish hatcheries, springs, and waterfalls.
Relics on the side of the road.
Buildings made of lava rock.
Long roads across vast basins.
US 93 isn’t the road it was in 1973.
Old hot springs oasis resort sits abandoned.
City limits sign and no hint or view of a city. Until directions to a bordello appears over the hill.
Vistas of mountains.
And, then:
Bonneville. Salt. Flats.
Bucket List Item. Check. Seeing it for the first time as I came over the ridge from West Wendover was jaw-dropping. I can’t describe it. A photo just won’t do it justice. You have to see this yourself.
Yeah, Bonneville is flat and yes, it is salt. Oh my goodness. Dreams do come true. I rode out on the salt. Then I did a burnout!
Yep. Bucket List item. Check.
Hot. Hot. And, more hot.
Salt everywhere. Ponds of salt. Mountains of salt. Ponds with salt-bergs floating around in them. Salt crusting things along the road.
Pink salt.
The Great Salt Lake.
Catching up with a dear cousin I haven’t seen in entirely too long.
Night ride with the crescent moon and Saturn over my shoulder.
Keep writing.