I’m sorry I haven’t posted or anything for a few weeks. It’s been very busy with grandkids, soccer, gymnastics, and new travel plans.
Somehow, the March and April calendars filled up with errands, soccer games and tournaments, gymnastics tournaments, doctor and dentist visits, and babysitting grandkids. This left little time for much else.
I experimented with some promotional things for the books, and that effort is showing promise. I’m adding details to the Events page as they come in, and I hope to add a few new things soon. Keep an eye on that page!
The weather is much nicer lately, and the calendar is clearing up. So, I’ll be out on the motorcycle more, and we plan some travel around readings and signings for the books.
We want to get around more this summer and see more folks, meet readers, talk and sign, and just enjoy. If you’ll be around any of the events, please don’t hesitate to look me up. I’d love to meet any of you fact-to-face.
Oh, yeah, I’ll continue writing on the next project.
Keep writing.