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It’s been a long couple of months. No, we aren’t in quarantine, but it sure feels like it. Events I hoped I could attend or participate in, are canceled or postponed. Some for a year.

In Quarantine | Guy L. Pace

We have been, well, self-isolating. I guess that would be the term. Not that I’ve been completely home-bound. I make most of the grocery runs, drug store runs, and I do get out on the motorcycle as often as I can and as weather permits.

Sunshine and fresh air seems to be a great recipe for peace of mind. There is even hope that sunshine and fresh air can be an antidote. In any case, I’ll prescribe that for myself any time.

As I mentioned in It’s Never Easy, all this closing down, “stay at home” orders, threw a huge monkey wrench into the tasks I have yet to do to close out my Dad’s estate. As May approaches I see some light at the end of the tunnel and I hope to get some final tasks done.

A Positive

One positive of the “stay at home” orders is I’ve managed to get some things done around the house. I spent some time working on the fruit trees and we should have lots of apples and pears, with NO bugs, this year. And, strawberries!

But, I just didn’t get any serious writing done. Motivation to get into the current project(s) is hard to find, lately. I feel (guilty/sad/pick-one) for not working on my writing. With all the things I need to do coming up, May might not see much work done, either.

I’ll try. I promise.

In the meantime, you all stay safe, maintain your social distancing, and wash your hands.

Keep writing.