Sudden Mission and Nasty Leftovers in Print
Earlier this week, I completed the last few steps to get Sudden Mission and Nasty Leftovers available in print.
Thanks to the efforts of Scott Deyett, cover designer extraordinaire, we uploaded the covers with the new logo, correct ISBN, and price codes. Ingram Spark now has the print editions in print-on-demand for bookstores and libraries. Ingram’s Advance book listing will promote both titles to bookstores and libraries in all their markets in the next issue.
What this means:
— You may order print copies of Sudden Mission and Nasty Leftovers through your favorite bookstore in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and beyond.
— You can ask them to carry the books as they are returnable in US markets.
— Print copies of both titles are available to libraries across the country, Canada, UK, Australia, and beyond.
Here are the new covers for Sudden Mission and Nasty Leftovers using the BugBear Books logo and new ISBNs:
What else this means: I’m taking a risk by making the books returnable. Any books sold to US bookstores and returned come back to me. I pay shipping and the wholesale cost of the books. If they are in good shape, I can resell them at signings and such. If not, they get recycled. Books sold to bookstores in foreign markets and returned are destroyed and I take the hit.
So, here we are. This summer was a blur with selling a house, buying a house, storing stuff, moving stuff, and all that goes with that. In the middle of all this, I worked through Sudden Mission and Nasty Leftovers when I could to clean them up and prep them for print. I had little time for anything else.
Now, the third entry in the Spirit Missions series will get much more attention. Promise.
Keep writing.