Snow heralded a new winter and my routine changes. Clearing the drive and sidewalk becomes the first priority and first task in my morning. Once again.
The other day someone asked me if I’m writing anything new. I had to think about that a bit. Yes, I’m working on another project that has languished for the last few months. Other tasks and duties have dominated my time lately and I’ve found little time to focus on writing.
I had a few inspirations I jotted down here and there. But, no major progress and now I’m feeling a little guilty about letting the project languish. And, as you see, I haven’t posted here in a couple of months.
So, I’m going to try to get my priorities sorted out and get back into a rhythm for writing and posting before winter is gone. So much for an early New Year’s resolution. We’ll see if I can make it stick.
One thing that inspired me this year is my daughter participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November and recorded more than 50,000 words on a novel project. She has some way to go, but she’s made the effort and I hope will see success. As they say, “Every Story Matters.”
I’m also trying to find the best web site theme for my site. The one installed now seems to be attractive and easy to navigate. I will continue to search for better, as we go along. If there are issues, use the Connect page to let me know.
As for the newsletter that these posts feed, I’d like to see if we can get more subscribers. Let folks know that they can subscribe. I’ll promise to post more regularly. Really.
Keep Writing.