All my display and promotional material arrived. I have the new postcard-size promo cards for Nasty Leftovers, the table-top banners, and the table runner. I’m all set for conferences, signings, events, whatever comes down the road.
Thanks to my cover designer, Scott Deyett, I’m ready to go look professional. Most who know me will call this a minor miracle.
So, when you come to MisCon 30, the Twin Falls book event at Barnes & Noble, or the Montana Book Festival, you can look for these things and that’s where you’ll find me! I ordered all of it so I can carry it easily in my motorcycle luggage. It is small, light and easily mobile.
This seems a little “self-promotion-y” but it is actually part of the author platform. You need products like this so your table at readings, signings, conventions, conferences, or festivals looks like a serious author is sitting there. Just like the web site, blog, Twitter account, Facebook page and other social media venues, the table-top material is part of that platform.
I feel blessed in finding Scott, who–with his design skills, masterful covers, and access to these kinds of products–helps me get this important part of my platform built. You’ll be surprised how inexpensive this is.
Keep writing.