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This is Day Fifteen. The word count for today is 3,470. I’m averaging 2,019 words per day. My total as of today is: 30,299. This is half way through the month and half way to the end of NaNoWriMo 2016.

If my goal was 50,000 words–which is the goal for NaNoWriMo–I would be three-fifths the way to the word count goal. But, my personal goal is about 60,000 words, so I’m halfway there.

I’m cheerleading friends on Twitter and Facebook. Some even cheer me back, and that is a wonderful thing. I like seeing friends succeed at this as much as I like succeeding at it.

Both Sudden Mission and Nasty Leftovers, the first two books in the Spirit Missions series, were the result of first drafts done during NaNoWriMo. No, they didn’t go from that to published right away. They went through numerous rewrites, edits, revisions, and more edits. That’s what got them the “Spirit Filled” awards and the great ratings and reviews on Amazon.

So, this project, working title of Alien Alliance, will have a similar process. Edits, rewrites, more edits, revisions, all that. Of course, my wife will be my first reader because … well, she IS my wife. And she deserves a reward for her patience.

The main character, Amy, appeared in the first two books. She was the secondary character to Paul in those, but this time, she’s the main character. There are reasons for that. But, I’m not spilling any beans here. You’ll have to wait for the book to come out.

Can you tell, yet, that I’m having a great time putting this one together? Well, I am. Yeah, there are days when it is hard to sit down and hammer out the story. But, I try to push through. The last two days I’ve logged more than 3,000 words each. That helps. Holidays are coming. I’ll need the buffer.

Keep writing.

2 thoughts on “Day Fifteen

  1. Awesome! Nice work. You’re going at a great pace. Keep up the good work! I’ve done NaNoWriMo several times but I only “won it” the first two times. I doubt I’ll get to 50K this year, but I still love doing it because it still usually gets me writing more words than I usually am in the month of November. And it’s just fun! I’ll never forget the rare day my first year. I had several hours free and got over 6,000 words. That was such a rush. Most days I write 500 – 1,000 words and unfortunately I do not write everyday. I’m trying to get more consistent but it’s hard to find the time with 4 young kids and a full time job. Excuses, excuses.

    Anyways, thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!

    1. Guy Pace says:

      Thanks, Dan. I have to keep cranking away so I can have a day or two of downtime for the holidays. 😉

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