Life sometimes takes a turn. Sometimes it gets in the way. Sometimes it just gets kinda full.
Believe me, I am not the world’s most disciplined writer. I work best under pressure of a deadline (thus my preference to use NaNoWriMo to complete first drafts). Getting through the first draft, or course, is a great thing. But, you have to go back through that draft and rewrite, edit, revise, and polish.
But, things happen. Life gets complicated. Those things that happen can drop you into a deep dark hole and it is hard to climb out. They happen and life is not ever the same. People you once counted on are no longer there. It makes it hard to focus on the first draft and get into the rewrite and revision.
Sometimes the things that happen are good, but they take a lot of your time and attention. Sometimes, they are not so good and they still take a lot of your time and attention. It is hard to pull your attention back to the work that needs doing and devote your time to it.
You can struggle to get back on task. Your heart isn’t in it. Your mind just comes up blank when you need ideas. Some call this writer’s block. Others call it depression, lack of focus or no motivation.
I’m not one to give up, though. I can wallow in my dark mind for a while. But, eventually I’ll get up, go in the kitchen, and make a fresh pot of coffee. When I return to the desk with that steaming mug of caffeine, I find new purpose. I find new inspiration. I’m motivated to get the work done.
It’s a fresh start. I’m ready to take it on.
Keep writing.