Wednesday (Feb. 14, 2018) Carolina Dawn launched. A lot of activity followed and I hope to see a review or two in the near future.
Oddly enough, since release most sales have been print, again. As an avid e-book reader, I find that strange. Years ago, I downsized my book collection to my favorites, signed first editions, and friend’s books. I still have a huge library available to me at home or on the road via my reader apps on my phone or tablet.
Anyway, print editions are still a strong market and I’m glad I work production the way I do. In case you are new to Amazon, here are a few tips. If you become an Amazon Prime member, you can read up to ten e-books at a time for no cost. Part of your Prime membership goes into a pool of money to pay authors by the number of pages read. So, you can download and read any of my books, for example, free (as a Prime member) and I will still get paid.
Also, if you buy one of my books as a print edition, you can get the e-book version free. As a Prime member, you get free shipping on the print edition, too.
Now, I don’t know how long this will last, but both Barnes & Noble and Amazon have Carolina Dawn on a special lower price for the print edition (see the links on that book’s page).
Earlier this year I set up a couple of promotions for Sudden Mission and Nasty Leftovers, anticipating the launch of Carolina Dawn. I expected to launch sooner than we did, so I have to wait to do any more special promotions. There will be some soon, so watch for them.
Keep writing.
My review will be posted very soon. I loved the book! ☺
Thanks so much, Amy! Looking forward to reading it!