Price Promo
Sudden Mission goes on sale for $0.99 today (or tonight or tomorrow, depending on when the price kicks in) on Amazon, Kobo, Nook, and iBooks! This price promo is good through Wednesday morning, July 27. Again, that depends on time zones and how quickly the price change takes on the various vendors.
If you’ve held off getting started in the Spirit Missions series, now is the time to jump in. Or, if you already got one or both books, now is a good time to gift Sudden Mission to friends, relatives, or complete strangers who might like to read it.
As mentioned in earlier posts, if you read it, leave a review or rating where you got it. Reviews or ratings are very important these days and help get a book in front of more people.
Enjoy! Keep checking back for a possible promotion for Nasty Leftovers.
Keep writing.