I got a chance to talk to a book club composed of young ladies in California this week, via a conference video call. Yeah, we’re living in the future.

It was fun connecting with readers and folks interested in writing. They had a number of good questions and I did my best to provide good, interesting answers. Most of the members are the age of the main characters in my books, and some are writing their own material.
Talking to young people interested in writing and telling stories always energizes me. It’s fun seeing the promise of young writers.
This caused me to look back on my own life and the path I took. I always wanted to write, but the military and the need to support a family took precedence. Finally, in my later years, here I am with three books on the market. It feels good
Like anything else worth doing in life, if you don’t keep after it, you may never accomplish it.
Keep writing.