Today I got the word on the blog tour. It includes two guest blog posts on August 19 and 27, and reviews on blogs from August 21 through 28. That’s what we scheduled so far, according to my book manager.
So, my first assigned topic for the blog tour is:
What motivated you to become a children’s author?
A children’s author. Hmmm … I think I had an identity crisis for a moment.
Granted, Sudden Mission’s main characters are fourteen. That puts the novel at a middle grade category (ages about ten to fourteen). So, I guess by definition I’m a children’s author. Being the cooperative, responsible, wonderful person I am, I immediately hammered out a 500 word answer to the question and gave it to my book manager. All those years of newspaper work paid off, you see. I can do 500 words standing on my head.
I also made arrangements for a promotional card to hand out. Here are the two sides of it:

My cover designer, Scott Deyett, via his business InHouse Graphics, LLC created this. I think it rocks.
I should have these in time for the WordCon author table I set up on August 20. Just in case I don’t have printed books. The final cover upload is done, the final layout is done–everything is done that needs to be done to get the book out now. There is just a bit more lead time before print copies are available. We’re hoping we can get 25 copies shipped to me before the 20th.
We will still release on August 18, and there will be fun and games involved with that. Stay tuned for more information on the release events.
Keep writing.