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I received notice of a contract offer for my first novel and have started the formal acceptance process with the publisher. This particular publisher uses a different business model than others, especially traditional publishers. So, updates and information should be coming fast and furious over the next couple of months.

I will do my best to keep you all up to date on what is happening and when the book will be launched. I’m excited and ready to jump into edits, revisions, design and marketing with my team.

When the contract is signed and the team is in place, Then I’ll post specific details on the publisher!


Keep writing and reading!

4 thoughts on “Acceptance!

  1. Sherri Albert says:

    Very Neat Guy. I am happy for you

    1. Guy Pace says:

      Thanks, Sherri!

  2. Dave Josejph says:

    righteous keep up the good work

    1. Guy Pace says:

      Thanks, Dave!

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